
Mission Statement

Jusmau International organization works with individuals and communities, to alleviate social and economic problems by creating a range of programs and services.

About Us

Jusmau International organization is a Buffalo-based multi-service(501)c3 federally registered charity with a strong emphasis on single mothers,at-risk youth and health services in the Western New York area. The volunteers and staff are guided in their day-to-day activities by Jusmau's mission. Our Board of Directors meet once a month to plot directions and policies.


Housing and Homeless Services

Our drop-in centre will provide a caring and stable environment where people can get a nutritious hot meals,and to advocate on their behalf to the various social service agencies.

Drop-in Centre for Women

To provide an environment for Women to discuss,share and get support for issues regarding child-rearing and economic development.

Outreach and Information

Jusmau International Organization will provide a monthly newsletter that will serve as a tool to empower the participants,but also to build awareness of the neighborhood which it serves.


Diabetes and mental health are issues that plague Buffalo,we hope to address these issues through outreach,and educational workshops,and seminars.